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Glycemic Index of Oils and Sauces Complete Chart

The glycemic index is a measure of how quickly carbohydrates are broken down and absorbed into the bloodstream. The higher the GI, the more quickly your body will break down those carbs and raise your blood sugar levels.

Oils and sauces can also have an impact on our blood sugar. It’s important to understand which oils and sauces have a low glycemic index (GI) so you can make healthier choices when cooking or eating out.

Olive oil is one of the healthiest oils available, with a GI score of zero because it does not contain any carbohydrates. Extra-virgin olive oil has even more antioxidants than regular olive oil, making it even better for your overall health!

Coconut oil also has no carbs in it but scores slightly higher at 2 points on the Glycemic Index due to its high saturated fat content – although recent research suggests that coconut oil may be beneficial for diabetes management if used sparingly as part of a healthy diet plan overall.

Soybean Oil is another popular choice among chefs who want to avoid trans fats while still getting some flavor in their dishes.

Canola Oil contains less calories than other cooking oils yet offers great taste, but like all vegetable oils should be consumed sparingly as they do contain unhealthy omega-6 fatty acids unless labeled ‘cold pressed’ or similar type wording indicating minimal processing was done during production process.

Popular sauces such as ketchup often come with added sugars which increase their Glycemic Index ratings significantly – usually between 15 to 20 depending upon brand – so read labels carefully before adding them onto food items or serving up bowls full alongside meals!

Barbecue Sauces unfortunately rank quite high too at around 40 GIs whereas hot sauce tends towards lower end scale thanks largely due lack presence within most brands regarding added sugars/carbohydrates etc., typically scoring from 0–10 range plus sometimes lower depending upon specific ingredients found therein!

In conclusion, understanding what effect certain foods have on our bodies helps us make informed decisions about what we consume – particularly when considering potential impacts related directly glucose levels via Glycemix Index measurements & rankings associated therewith.

So next time you reach for an oily condiment think twice about whether you’re doing yourself any favors by selecting one rather than another based strictly off numerical values assigned each variety presented here today.

Below you can find a complete list for oils and sauces with its glycemic index and glycemic load ranks.

Note: GI = Glycemic Index, GL = Glycemic Load

Peanut Oil (Sugar Free) Peanut Oil (Sugar Free)408.6
Goose fat Goose fat00.0
Fat (animal / vegetable) Fat (animal / vegetable)00.0
Coconut milk (raw) Coconut milk (raw)401.1
Mayonnaise (homemade) Mayonnaise (homemade)00.0
Mayonnaise (sweetened) Mayonnaise (sweetened)600.2
Margarine Margarine00.0
Butter Butter00.0
Almond oil Almond oil250.0
Olive oil Olive oil00.0
Pesto (sauce) Pesto (sauce)150.9
Vegetable fat Vegetable fat00.0
Butter (high fat) Butter (high fat)140.1
Soy sauce Soy sauce201.0
Mashed Tomato Mashed Tomato353.1
Tomato sauce (natural, sugar free) Tomato sauce (natural, sugar free)351.3
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