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Glycemic Index of Greens Complete Chart

Greens are one of the healthiest foods that you can add to your diet. They are packed with nutrients and offer numerous benefits for our overall health. However, some people may be concerned about their glycemic index (GI).

The GI is a measure of how quickly carbohydrates in food raise blood sugar levels after eating them. So, it’s important to know what greens have a low or high GI value so you can make informed dietary choices.

With regard to leafy greens such as spinach and kale, these vegetables tend to have a very low GI score – between 0-50 on the scale used by nutritionists. This means they do not cause rapid spikes in blood glucose levels when consumed which makes them an ideal choice for diabetics as well as those looking for healthier options than starchy carbohydrate sources like potatoes or white rice.

Other green vegetables including broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts also have relatively low GIs ranging from 15-55 according to research studies conducted by Harvard Health Publishing. Asparagus has been found to be at the higher end of this range at around 60 but still lower than many other vegetable sources making it another great option if you want something more nutritious than processed grains yet don’t want your blood sugar spiking too quickly either!

Green beans also rank fairly low on the GI chart with values ranging anywhere from 30-60 depending upon variety type; this makes them good alternatives even when compared against whole wheat pasta or brown rice which generally sit somewhere between 55-70 respectively per serving size measurements taken during testing sessions conducted back in 2014.

In conclusion, there are plenty of green options available if you’re looking for healthy alternatives that won’t spike your blood sugars too much — most notably leafy greens like spinach/kale followed closely behind by broccoli/cabbage and then finally rounded off nicely with both string beans plus asparagus being just slightly higher up on the Glycemic Index Scale.

White beans White beans3521.4
White beans (boiled) White beans (boiled)338.3
Soybeans Soybeans154.5
Beans, fava (raw) Beans, fava (raw)407.2
Peas (green, fresh) Peas (green, fresh)354.5
Peas (frozen, boiled) Peas (frozen, boiled)514.6
Pea soup Pea soup603.7
Green peas (canned) Green peas (canned)452.9
Green peas Green peas151.5
Orache Orache5334.0
Lettuce (fresh) Lettuce (fresh)150.5
Onion (fresh) Onion (fresh)151.6
Leek Leek151.2
Shallot Shallot152.5
Peeled peas (fresh) Peeled peas (fresh)2515.0
Mung Bean Mung Mung Bean Mung2515.8
Chickpeas Chickpeas106.1
Chickpeas (canned) Chickpeas (canned)356.8
Plain / Spotted Beans (Fresh) Plain / Spotted Beans (Fresh)355.9
Motley beans, borlotti, roman beans Motley beans, borlotti, roman beans3512.4
Parsley Parsley150.9
Parsley (cooked) Parsley (cooked)523.3
Bamboo sprouts Bamboo sprouts201.0
Lentil sprouts Lentil sprouts255.5
Salad ( Salad (“iceberg”, leaf, arugula, etc.)150.3
Sweet corn Sweet corn488.9
Boiled sweetcorn Boiled sweetcorn6013.5
Beetroot Beetroot150.6
Celery (boiled, without salt) Celery (boiled, without salt)854.0
Celery (fresh) Celery (fresh)150.3
Soybean Soybean154.5
Asparagus Asparagus150.6
String Beans (Fresh) String Beans (Fresh)301.1
Tempeh Tempeh151.4
Tofu, bean curd Tofu, bean curd150.1
Dill (fresh) Dill (fresh)251.6
Urad bean (steamed) Urad bean (steamed)4327.1
Falafel (from beans, fava) Falafel (from beans, fava)408.4
Falafel (chickpea) Falafel (chickpea)6528.1
Beans (cooked) Beans (cooked)8017.2
Azuki Beans Azuki Beans3522.0
White beans White beans3522.4
Green beans Green beans302.1
Red beans Red beans3518.4
Fennel Fennel151.1
Hummus Hummus253.5
Lentils (yellow) Lentils (yellow)3019.6
Lentils (green) Lentils (green)2512.5
Spinach Spinach150.3
Sorrel Sorrel150.0
Endive Endive150.0
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