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Glycemic Index of Nuts Complete Chart

Nuts are a great snack option and provide many nutritional benefits. One of the most important things to consider when deciding which nuts to choose is their glycemic index (GI).

The GI measures how quickly carbohydrates in foods raise your blood sugar levels after eating them. Nuts have low GIs, meaning they won’t cause spikes in your blood sugar levels like other snacks may do.

Almonds are one of the healthiest types of nuts available and have a GI score ranging from 0-2 depending on how you prepare them. They contain monounsaturated fats, protein, fiber, magnesium and vitamin E – all essential for good health.

Cashews also have a low GI score that ranges from 13-20 depending on preparation method; these nutty morsels offer an impressive array of minerals including zinc, copper and manganese as well as healthy fatty acids such as omega-3s.

Walnuts rank fairly high amongst tree nuts with an average GI range between 4-13, however, this does not necessarily indicate that walnuts will spike blood sugar levels significantly more than almonds or cashews – it simply means that walnuts should be eaten in moderation due to their slightly higher carbohydrate content than some other varieties of nuts like macadamias which only contain less than 5 grams per serving!

Walnuts also boast plenty of heart-healthy polyunsaturated fats along with antioxidants such as ellagic acid which can help protect against cancer development by promoting cell death within tumors cells without harming surrounding healthy tissue cells nearby!

Brazil nuts are another type worth mentioning because they boast massive amounts beneficial selenium – up to 644% RDA per single serving size – making them ideal for those trying to get enough daily intake through food sources alone rather than supplements! Their GI range is 8–21 with larger servings having higher values so if you’re looking specifically at controlling post meal glucose rise then it’s best kept minimal here too, no need going overboard just yet though since Brazil’s still considered relatively ‘low’ compared others out there anyway!

Overall when selecting which kind of nuts to consume make sure to pay attention to its individual nutrient profile: fat/protein balance alongside carb count before choosing what works best based on dietary needs.

Below you can find a complete list for nuts with its glycemic index and glycemic load ranks.

Note: GI = Glycemic Index, GL = Glycemic Load

Peanut Peanut152.4
Peanuts (Dry Roasted) Peanuts (Dry Roasted)152.3
White almond paste / puree (without sweeteners) White almond paste / puree (without sweeteners)3516.7
Walnuts Walnuts151.1
Acorns Acorns2510.3
Chestnut Chestnut6026.5
Pine nuts Pine nuts152.9
Cashew nuts Cashew nuts253.1
Cashew nuts (salted) Cashew nuts (salted)226.6
Coconut Coconut450.8
Hazelnuts Hazelnuts252.5
Almond Almond151.9
Walnut Walnut152.1
Hazelnut Hazelnut152.5
Pine nuts Pine nuts151.9
Cashew nuts Cashew nuts154.5
Nuts (mix with raisins) Nuts (mix with raisins)219.8
Tamarind (sweet) Tamarind (sweet)6540.8
Pistachios Pistachios154.2
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