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Cookies (pastries)

Cookies (pastries)

Glycemic Index Glycemic Load

The glycemic index (GI) of cookies (pastries) equals to 70.0, which classifies it as a high GI food. The glycemic load (GL) of cookies (pastries) is equal to 46.2, which classifies it as a high GL food.

Nutrition Facts
Calories (kcal) 460.0
Carbohydrates (g) 66.0
Proteins (g) 7.0
Fats (g) 18.0

100 grams of cookies (pastries) contain 460.0 kcal (1925 kJ), 7.0 grams of proteins, 66.0 grams of carbohydrates, and 18.0 grams of fats.

Cookies (pastries) are a popular type of baked confectionery that come in many shapes and sizes. They typically consist of flour, sugar, butter or some kind of oil, eggs, baking powder/soda and flavoring agents such as nuts or chocolate chips. Nutritionally speaking cookies can vary greatly depending on the ingredients used to make them. In general they offer carbohydrates from the flour content which is needed for energy but also sugars for quick bursts of energy throughout the day. Additionally fats may be present from added oils or butter which provide essential fatty acids that help with cell growth and development; however too much of these fats can lead to an increase in weight gain if consumed in large amounts regularly. Protein may also be found within certain types of cookies due to its presence in dairy products like milk and cheese -this protein helps build muscle mass when combined with regular exercise over time . The pros associated with eating pastries include their availability-they’re convenient snacks because you can find them at most stores around the world as well as being relatively inexpensive compared to other food items; additionally they taste great! The cons would include their high calorie count usually caused by unhealthy fat sources used during production plus potential spikes in blood glucose levels after consumption if eaten without moderation-care should always be taken when it comes downing sweet treats like this one!

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