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Rice flour

Rice flour

Glycemic Index Glycemic Load

The glycemic index (GI) of rice flour equals to 95.0, which classifies it as a high GI food. The glycemic load (GL) of rice flour is equal to 76.1, which classifies it as a high GL food.

Nutrition Facts
Calories (kcal) 366.0
Carbohydrates (g) 80.1
Proteins (g) 5.9
Fats (g) 1.4

100 grams of rice flour contain 366.0 kcal (1531 kJ), 5.9 grams of proteins, 80.1 grams of carbohydrates, and 1.4 grams of fats.

Rice flour is a gluten-free grain derived from white or brown rice that has been ground to a fine powder. It’s an excellent source of carbohydrates and essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants like vitamin B6, thiamin, niacin, folate and iron. Rice flour can be used as a thickening agent in sauces or batters for baking goods such as cakes, breads or pizzas. Additionally it can also be used instead of wheat flour for coating foods before frying them. Nutritionally speaking rice flour is high in carbohydrates but low in protein with little fat content making it beneficial for those looking to maintain their weight while still getting the necessary nutrients they need through food sources. As well due to its lack of gluten people with celiac disease are able to safely use this type of flour without any potential health risks associated with consuming too much gluten found within other grains like wheat which may cause digestive issues when consumed by those who have sensitivities or allergies towards this specific compound. The main downside associated to using some types of rice flours is that they tend not contain enough dietary fiber compared to other types alternatives so if you’re trying incorporate more fiber into your diet then you might want consider choosing another alternative option like oat bran which contains twice amount per serving than regular white rice does.

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