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Glycemic Index Glycemic Load

The glycemic index (GI) of parsnip equals to 85.0, which classifies it as a high GI food. The glycemic load (GL) of parsnip is equal to 15.3, which classifies it as a moderate GL food.

Nutrition Facts
Calories (kcal) 75.0
Carbohydrates (g) 18.0
Proteins (g) 1.2
Fats (g) 0.3

100 grams of parsnip contain 75.0 kcal (314 kJ), 1.2 grams of proteins, 18.0 grams of carbohydrates, and 0.3 grams of fats.

Parsnips are a root vegetable with a sweet, nutty flavor and creamy white flesh. They have been enjoyed for centuries as an ingredient in soups, stews and roasts. Nutritionally speaking, parsnips are low in calories but high in fiber, vitamins A, C and K as well as minerals such as potassium which help regulate fluid balance within the body. Parsnips also provide significant amounts of folate which helps to form red blood cells and may reduce the risk of neural tube defects during pregnancy. When cooked properly they can be very delicious; however they should not be eaten raw due to their high content of oxalates that could cause kidney stones or other health problems if consumed excessively over time. Additionally because they contain carbohydrates it’s important to watch portion sizes when on a diet plan since too much consumption can lead to weight gain or excess sugar intake. Overall parsnips are nutrient-dense vegetables that offer many benefits when incorporated into your diet correctly; making them a great addition to any meal!

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